Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thinking about Nings (Part 2)

The adventure continued today. It took me three times to join Library 2.0 Ning successfully. I waited over the weekend to get the approval. I managed to edit my profile a bit and added a picture. I joined two groups. I added the Library 2.0 Ning badge to my Blog. It took me some time to get through all of this during a busy work day but I persevered.


Visit Library 2.0

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thinking about Nings (Part 1)

I explored the Nings of Mosman readers, Museum 3.0, Library 2.0 and discovered similar features I've used on Facebook. I like the Events and Videos features the most. Some Blogs had links to interesting podcasts too. I read some comments on the Forum. During my university studies I used Subject Forums a lot to post assignments, review other student assignments, reply to questions, give feedback, and share information. University Forums have strict user guidelines unlike Facebook which is more of a social network where you can get a Poke or gifts, etc. Nings can be used as a network for specific interests and I think this is most useful.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My thoughts on Web 2.0 tools (Evaluation)

I found this post quite fascinating and a real eye-opener. My library is not "keeping-up with the Jones'!". It does not have a Flickr and Twitter accounts due to Organisational restrictions. It has a Blog that you can subscribe to. I think Google alerts are installed as statistics are collected and reported about site hits and subscription numbers. I installed Feedburner for my blog analysis. I had a look at Surveymonkey and Zoomerang and these look like great tools for a service to collect and review statistics. A service needs to evaluate its effectiveness using both quantitative and qualitative data. I recall my university used a similar survey tool called Rodski to continually improve services. I think my Library Management Team, Promotions Team, Systems Team could do well using these tools in the future.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Exploring Delicious

The Delicious experience took me a long time to complete compared to everything else I have blogged about but I persevered with it and successfully bookmarked some sites.
The feature I found most useful is the tagroll. I like looking at other tagrolls because this uses tagged keywords to find information I am interested in. I have created a tagroll too.
